Monday, October 5, 2009

Moderately bummed

I was looking at my former Journalism professor's profile on the home page of Towson's Mass Communications Department and I heard about a workshop coming up on October 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. It was called "High School Journalism Day" taking place here on campus (specifically in the University Union) and it had workshops on taking a publication to the Internet and beyond.

It all sounds very cool and I'd love to be a part of it since I'm a Journalism major. There are just a few baby hiccups: the deadline was on September 23, which has already passed, the registration fee was $20 (the same amount for my membership dues for the television station WMJF), and I would be interfering with the Towerlight, which means I'd be in violation of my University probation.

Now if I had already talked about my idea to start my own publication to Dr. Spaulding and my current teacher Jenny Atwater before that deadline, why didn't they tell me about this? And more importantly: if I had only just held myself down instead of letting my jitters, my angst and jelousy get the best of me, I wouldn't be on University probation right now.

Then again, it's probably for high school students only, which might be why it was "High School Journalism Day".

I'm definitely not going to that. And I mean it. Besides, I have class that day and I need to pay my dues to the television station soon. I also have a lot of other things on my mind, like speaking about possible medication to a psychiatrist and an on campus counselor in addition to my off-site therapist, writing articles for Prof. Atwater's class and FMOE (for my own experience), finding assignments for WMJF reporters, and cleaning my room at home.

Yes, my room needs cleaning. There are so many papers, books and folders cluttering up the right side of my room in front of my teeny tiny desk from Ikea that has a poor excuse for a bookshelf. The small space at the bottom of it isn't even enough for all of the books and papers I have. So I need to downsize the amount of stuff that I have already.

Still, looking at the website made me feel depressed. I can't go over to that office for the next year and I would love to write there, just not for the current Editor in Chief.

On the bright side, I'm an assignment editor for the television station and I'm possibily going to help the campus online radio station XTSR. I'm not sure what will happen later in the semester or my junior year for that matter, but I'll wait around for now.

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