Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blogger rant: Moving

I got tired of posting these rants to Blogger. There are quite a few things wrong with it.

One, I can't make the online videos from YouTube appear in the blog post. They're usually links.

WordPress lets me show videos.

Two, I can't copy or paste the text from or into the text box.

WordPress does it.

Three, Blogger gives me themes that look similar to ones on the Ning site I had when I went to Community College of Baltimore County.

WordPress has more definition and design on their templates.

Then again, I can't paste a picture into the design of a blog on WordPress and Blogger lets me do that, which is pretty cool.

It's like choosing a Mac or a PC. Macs don't have that many freeze ups and viruses. They also can retrieve a file in case you've accidentally deleted it. It's also easier to eject a USB drive.

But when I get on a Mac and I try converting MP4 files into AVI's using a media converting website, the window doesn't pop up telling me where I can save those files. PC is easier to work with.

That just gave me an idea for another rant! I should post that sometime.

Anyway, this blog is moving to WordPress for sentimental reasons. WordPress is the PC of blogs. No, Mac. Oh, it's a combination of the two!

Please see the new and improved Little Voice at

More posts to come, so look for it!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Rachel's Rant 3: Classes should be pushed another week

Honestly, I love snow days. I love taking a few days off from classes so I can take a hiatus from everything and sleep throughout the morning. I especially love being out when it's snowing so I can eat all of the snowflakes I want, like Linus and Charlie from the Charlie Brown cartoons.

The problem with taking a week off of classes is that it makes a complete disarray of a schedule when college students return to campus. I was going to do a feature story on Towson's Battle of the Bands event, but it was cancelled and moved to the night of the TigerTHON dance marathon that I wanted to go to. Additionally, some very mandatory appointments I had were cancelled. And when I received a message from my Feature Writing professor about an assignment on the snow, I didn't have enough time to pull it all together with all of the other things I had to make up for my classes.

Now, the Maryland state law requires all public schools to put another week of school at the end of the year after about five snow days or more. That includes elementary, middle, and high schools. However, the same thing does not go for colleges. Colleges are free to do whatever they want.

So, the University Registrar decides not to change the college schedule. Spring break is still from March 14-21 and the semester ends in the first two weeks of May.

This makes me a little concerned... and frustrated.

Why doesn't this campus have an extra week of classes? Think about it: most Towson students are paying for their education. Therefore, when a blizzard cancels school for a week, students just wasted their money on doing absolutely nothing except sleeping, drinking, shoveling or playing in the snow. And in this economy, wasting money on empty days with no classes is a shame.

If we had an extra week, that money would be put to good use.

Also, when students get back to campus, they are overwhelmed with all of the work they have to make up for. The professors have to do the same because now they have to reschedule everything and work twice as hard on getting everything together.

If commencement and final exams were delayed another week, students and staff would have more time to get those goals and assignments accomplished without pulling all nighters. Everything would be spread out over time.

Without all nighters, students wouldn't have so many sleep problems and nobody would be tired. I wouldn't have a wandering mind late in the afternoon because with a full night's sleep, I would feel well rested and alert. I wouldn't be reaching for the black tea.

In the end, there would be fewer difficulties, more sleeping, less all nighters and less worrying. And while somebody's at it, can someone please move spring break to where it should be- around Easter weekend when it is spring? Because it isn't spring until March 23, which is when everyone goes back to class after spring break.

It's absolutely ridonculous.